Gakurin’s Global Partners
Engaged Buddhism: International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB)
INEB’s website

World Conference of Religions for Peace (WCRP/Religions for Peace)

The dialogue with Bishop Gunnar Stålsett, former Vice-Chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee and Honorary President of Religions for Peace International, included a lecture and dialogue on peace and justice, forgiveness and reconciliation in Christianity, as well as on the “Western and Eastern Concepts of Tolerance,” a specialized study of our seminarians.
Bishop Munib Younan, Religions for Peace International Honorary President, who is promoting dialogue and cooperation among various religions in the holy sites of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism in Jerusalem, visited Gakurin and had a dialogue with Gakurin seminarians. Bishop Younan has been patiently keeping the flame of dialogue burning amidst the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and promoting peace education for young people. The Gakurin seminarians actively engaged in dialogue about what the spirit of “tolerance” means and how to prepare for the practice of “dialogue among the various religions.”